Journalist Shares Fact-based Insight on Global Energy and Climate

I have called three continents home, moving from my birthplace in New York to Boston, Montréal, Vancouver, Toronto, Kyoto, San Francisco, Washington DC, Victoria BC, and then Paris. (Not including a few reruns.) These days I call San Francisco and Vancouver Island home, and I bring my international perspective to deep reporting on climate and energy developments globally. For more than two decades I have tracked the intersection of energy and the environment from the coalfields of Inner Mongolia to the offgrid villages of Bolivia’s Cordillera Real and the tarsands of Alberta. My freelance writing appears in diverse outlets, including The New York Times, The Atlantic, Scientific American, IEEE Spectrum, Hakai Magazine and Nature. Occasionally one wins accolades, as in 2021 when my reporting on political interference with U.S. energy research earned Covering Climate Now’s inaugural award for investigative journalism.

I also enjoy speaking on energy and climate change, teach environmental journalism, and authored a young adult book on electricity & magnetism. Got an audience that needs a cogent and engaging talk about how we can secure a liveable future? Get in touch!

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